Can You Make Your Vocals Sound Professional?

Can You Make Your Vocals Sound Professional?

It is important to make the vocals sound better. This is because vocals are the most important aspect of the mix. For independent Spotify playlist curators, there are various ways of making your vocals sound professional.

Proven Techniques to Make Your Vocals Sound Modern

Once you begin applying the techniques, your mix will improve multi-fold.

High-End Boost

This is the easiest and quickest way of making your vocals sound professional and expensive. Most of the boutique microphones come equipped with premium top-end. You can improve the highs when using a budget-friendly microphone to mimic this feature.

Rely on De’Esser

When you begin to boost the top end, the vocals will begin to sound sibilant. To rule this problem out and to make vocals sound better, you can use De’Esser. These simple tools are the best way of mixing vocal processes.

Eliminate Resonances

If you are recording in a not-so-ideal room, then there can be a buildup of resonances. The independent Spotify playlist curators can use the boost-and-sweep technique to find the resonances. Thereafter, they can eliminate them through a narrow cut.

Take Control is Dynamics Using Automation

For a modern vocal sound, you have to ensure the vocals’ dynamics are consistent. Maintain every syllable and word at the same level. Most often or not, you can achieve this using compression only. But try using automation to level out the vocal manually.

Use a Limiter to Catch the Peaks

One excellent way of controlling the dynamics is to use a limiter right after compression. Avoid being aggressive with it.

The vocals are the most essential part and would need you to give more time to its mixing. Thir13een can help you with everything to make your vocals sound better. It offers a vast selection of vocal presets and vocal removers for independent Spotify playlist curators. If you too want to flourish as a musician, check out their offerings now.

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